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IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / Neu

IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / Neu

IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / Neu  IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / Neu 

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IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / Neu

2005 the U.S. Army standardized the Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK),
which, in conjunction with proper training, will greatly increase force effectiveness by increasing the potential of survival for combat casualties.
Specifically, the kit provides enhanced capabilities for Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid to immediately treat the two most urgent medical crises faced by battlefield casualties.

The IFAK is a self-contained assembly in a Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment (MOLLE) utility pouch.

All Made in USA, Trauma Dressing Israel
NSN No.: 6545-01-530-0929 full Kit W911QY-06-F-0020

1 - Combat Application Tourniquet
1 - Elastic Bandage Kit
1 - GA4-½" 100's Bandage
1 - 1 Surg 2" 6's Adhesive Tape
1 - Nasopharyngeal, 28Fr, 12s Airway
1 - 4 Patient Exam 100's Gloves

Made in the USA Fabrikneu

Zeitweise auch leicht gebraucht zum neu auffüllen. Bitte anfragen

ArtNr: 72603

 72603IFAK Improved First Aid Kit / NeuCHF 112.00

Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

Jürg Meier
Aebifeld 21
3208 Gurbrü

Fon: +41 76 563 93 06
